Our enterprise is a professional one for shipbuilding, 
power station, steam turbine, chemical machinery, hoisting machinery and so on.
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About us

About us

  Founded in October 1983, Shanghai Shenjiang Forging Co. Ltd. is a private-owned enterprise and it has an area of 26440m2, with 30% of it covered with green. Our enterprise has 216 workers, among whom there are 36 skilled workers, 27 special technicians(2 postgraduates who are being awarded the special allowance of the State Council, 5 senior engineers and 8 engineers are among the 27 technicians),11 full-time science and flaw detection staff and 10 workers responsible for quality assurance deposit and full-time inspection. Our enterprise is a professional one for shipbuilding, power station, steam turbine, chemical machinery, hoisting machinery and so on.

Core value:
  Unity, security, responsibility, respect for the individual! 
Organizational prospect:   
  To become China's frontiers of first-class material suppliers.
Business mission:   
  Focusing on the top field on the material demand, to change China's dependence on imported materials and to provide the outstanding employees with sustainable development as platforms.
Quality policy:
  Continuing to keep improving and always trying to produce satisfying products.

Copyright Shanghai Shenjiang Forging Co.Ltd.

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